Stas checking out the outside worlds
I bet you didn't know...(a lot of things that they know in Ukraine, but I will wait to tell you all of them)
...that if you were to sit in the chairs that face along this walkway you will get sick because their is a draft (I wish!!!!!!!!!) in corridors. So we were told to move to the center seats so we don't get Stas sick. Ooooo-kaaaay?! will get sick if you sit on a cool surface. Lizzy on a 85 degree day was sitting on the front step of the church and was told to get up b/c she will get sick. Fr. just saw me sitting on the stairs (because the internet was working there and their was a prayer meeting going on in our regular room) and he told me "cold" as he pointed down and "sick" so he relocated me at a table in the conference room. Believe me, I was liking the cold! I love Father, he is very sweet. They are truly loving here and ALWAYS looking out for our well-being.
...Borscht is NOT a soup, it just looks, tastes and resembles one.
...Borscht is always eaten before a meal and you eat nothing else until it is gone. (It is very good so I don't mind)
...You do not put buckwheat or rice or croutons in your just don't :-)
...bread is sacred. You can leave anything else behind on you plate, but don't leave bread! This goes back to the famine imposed by Stalin 80 years ago. Also, because bread is a lot of work to make and you can live on bread for a long time even if you had nothing else.
Dan drinking (and toasting) Fr. Andrew as they drink warm milk...because it came straight from the cow!!! Gross. Tasted fine but it came straight from the cow!
This is great...Valia, who is from Zap, lives now in Wisconsin for the last 8 years and was talking about her friend who started an organization to bring awareness about Down syndrome to people and this friend has a logo with a Down syndrome footprint and the word "Awareness"...Check this out!
Halya is staying with Genya in Kyiv and will be back on Monday where we will go through the plan of attack to get everything done in one day....(reminder, we are in Ukraine... :)
Bye for you kids....thanks to whoever is helping them!
Oh gosh do they LOVE their holidays!!!